Friday, May 17, 2013

Something to think about

I just want to write something that could mean something to someone! I just wish I had it in me to be great not just average. I want someone to pick up my book and really feel how Jess felt at that moment. Jess as a character is solid as is Ryan but Scott, Lydia and Megan are weak, that could be because they aren't in it enough to have the affect so re-writing bits to make it work and bringing back Jess' innocence! I like the confidence in her but she needs to be innocent with Scott and confident with Ryan. Scott is the best friend, the guy she's known her whole life and feels comfortable with. She never expects Ryan and its hard for her to accept that Ryan cares for her but as she drifts away from Scott she finds herself attracted to Ryan and his fancy life style. She finds it hard when he rejects her advances and turns to Scott for advice. It leads to a lot of revelations and Scott has to admit feelings that he's been hiding for years. It's hard for Jess to hear and she turns her back on both of them only to grow closer to Ryan. He just seems to know exactly what to say! But a revelation from Ryan pushes her towards Scott and they grow close again and Ryan starts dating a girl and this hurts Jess deeply. She feels betrayed and doesn't react well when Scott kisses her again. She goes to a party and Ryan is there alone and Jess kisses a random guy to make him jealous and it works but he still won't admit his true feelings so she leaves empty.

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